- Goatskin (material): This Wikipedia page provides information about goatskin, which is the skin of a goat. It is commonly used to make durable leather products such as gloves, boots, and rugs. The page also discusses its use in bookbinding, wine containers, and traditional musical instruments. Additionally, it mentions the controversy surrounding goatskin products originating in Haiti[1].
- Adventures of Gilla Na Chreck An Gour: This Wikipedia page is about an Irish fairy tale called “Adventures of Gilla Na Chreck An Gour” or “The Lad With the Goat-skin.” It provides a summary of the tale, which involves a young man who receives a goatskin from his mother and goes on various adventures. The page also includes information about the tale’s classification and related publications[2].
- List of goat breeds: This Wikipedia page lists various goat breeds and provides information about their characteristics and uses, including the production of fiber, meat, dairy products, and goatskin. It offers an extensive list of goat breeds from different regions around the world[3].
- Parchment: This Wikipedia page discusses parchment, including its traditional use of goatskin parchment for degrees at Heriot-Watt University. It also mentions the use of DNA testing to estimate the age of the calf at the creation of parchment and the genetic signature of Greek manuscripts related to goatskin[4].
- Aegis: This Wikipedia page provides information about the term “aegis,” which has various meanings, including “goatskin coat” in Greek mythology. It discusses the etymology of the word and its association with protection by a strong force in Greek mythology[5].
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goatskin_(material)
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventures_of_Gilla_Na_Chreck_An_Gour
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_goat_breeds
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parchment
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aegis
Goatskin refers to the skin of a goat, which by long term usage, is denoted by the term Morocco leather. Kidskin, used for gloves, shoes and other accessories, is traditionally goatskin, although other leathers such as sheep and kangaroo can be used to make kid.

Tanned leather from goatskin is considered extremely durable and is commonly used to make rugs (for example in Indonesia) and carpet binding. It is often used for gloves, boots, and other products that require a soft hide. Kid gloves, popular in Victorian times, are still made today. It has been a major material for leather bookbindings for centuries, and the oldest European binding, that of the St Cuthbert Gospel in the British Library is in red goatskin. Goatskin is used for a traditional Spanish container for wine bota bag (or called goatskin). Traditional kefir was made in bags from goatskin.
Non-tanned goatskin is used for parchment or for drumheads or sounding boards of some musical instruments, e.g., mišnice in medieval Europe, bodhrán in Ireland, esraj in India and for instrumental drum skin named bedug in Indonesia.
In Roman mythology priests of god Lupercalia wore goatskins.
A breed of goat that provides high-quality skin is for example the Black Bengal breed, native to Bangladesh.
In 1974, there was controversy in the United States surrounding goatskin products originating in Haiti. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control discovered that some of these products contained deadly anthrax spores. All Haitian goatskin products in the USA were recalled, although no fatalities were reported.