Motorcycle Tire

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A motorcycle tire, also known as a motorcycle tire in Commonwealth English, is a crucial component of a motorcycle wheel that plays a vital role in providing traction, absorbing surface irregularities, and enabling the motorcycle to turn through countersteering. These tires are integral to the motorcycle’s suspension behavior and have a significant impact on safety, braking, fuel economy, noise levels, and rider comfort.

The history of motorcycle tires showcases a continuous evolution aimed at enhancing grip for improved acceleration, braking, and turning capabilities while also focusing on enhancing comfort, safety, durability, and reliability. Over time, there has been a trend towards wider tires to meet the demands of larger engine displacements in motorcycles.

Motorcycle tires are constructed with specific speed ratings and load indexes to ensure optimal performance and safety. The tire code typically includes a three-digit number indicating the tire’s width in millimeters, followed by a slash character for separation. Different types of tires are designed for various purposes, such as dirt bikes, touring, sports bikes, and cruisers. Each type is tailored to provide the necessary grip and durability based on its intended use.

In terms of construction, motorcycle tires are predominantly pneumatic but can also be filled with tire mousse in cases where punctures are common. The contact patch of a tire, the small area in contact with the road surface while riding, is a critical factor influencing performance. Different tire configurations cater to specific needs such as dirt biking, touring, sport riding, or cruising. Racing tires offer the highest levels of grip but may wear faster compared to touring or cruiser tires.

Overall, motorcycle tires have undergone significant advancements over the years to meet the evolving needs of riders in terms of performance, safety, and comfort. From historical developments to modern construction techniques and specialized designs for different types of motorcycles, these components continue to be a fundamental aspect of motorcycle engineering and rider experience.


Motorcycle_tyre (Wikipedia)

A motorcycle tyre (spelt tire in American English) is the outer part of motorcycle wheel, attached to the rim, providing traction, resisting wear, absorbing surface irregularities, and allowing the motorcycle to turn via countersteering. The two tyres' contact patches are the motorcycle's connection to the ground, and so are fundamental to the motorcycle's suspension behaviour, and critically affect safety, braking, fuel economy, noise, and rider comfort.

A rear motorcycle tyre for street use
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