
  1. Cuff – Wikipedia
  • A cuff is a layer of fabric at the lower edge of the sleeve of a garment (shirt, coat, jacket, etc.) at the wrist, or at the ankle end of a trouser leg. The function of turned-back cuffs is to protect the cloth of the garment from fraying, and, when frayed, to allow the cuffs to be readily repaired or replaced, without changing the garment. Cuffs are made by turning back (folding) the material, or a separate band of material can be sewn on, or worn separately, attached either by buttons or studs. Trouser cuffs are added to prevent fraying and add weight to the bottom of the leg. Shirt cuffs are generally divided down one edge and then fastened together, so they can let a hand through and then fit more snugly around the wrist. Some sweaters and athletic garments have cuffs that either contain elastic or accomplish the same purpose.
  1. Dress shirt – Wikipedia
  • The article provides information about different types of cuffs, such as double or French cuffs, which have an extra length of sleeve folded back and fastened with links, and are usually considered more formal than barrel cuffs. It also discusses the materials used in dress shirts and various design elements, including cuffs, collars, and front panels.
  1. Cuff – Wikiwand
  • This link provides the same information as the Wikipedia page on cuffs.
  1. Cuff: Most Up-to-Date Encyclopedia, News & Reviews
  • This source defines a cuff as a layer of fabric at the bottom edge of a sleeve of a garment (shirt, coat, jacket, etc.), at the wrist, or at the ankle edge of the hem of pants.
  1. Suit – Wikipedia
  • While this link does not directly relate to cuffs, it provides information about suits, including details about the fabric and construction of suit jackets, but it does not focus specifically on cuffs.


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